WCCCC Asks for Help to Improve Their Winter Conference

WCCCC is asking participants to make their suggestions for their Winter Conference that will take place on Dec. 26-29 in Santa Cruz, California.

To prepare for their Winter Conference, that will take place this year on Dec. 26-29 at the Mount Hermon Conference Center in Santa Cruz, California, the West Coast Chinese Christian Conference is asking for volunteers who are interested in helping WCCCC further its ministry.

For instance, participants can support WCCCC's Winter Conference by getting the word out to their friends and their churches to, making suggestions on what the focus of the Conference should be by recommending conference and workshop speakers and worship teams.

The planning committee, led this year by the committee's chairperson Alex Chow, has been preparing since January. Alex emphasized that they are always trying to improve their Winter Conference to better serve the participants.

This year's theme is "Wash One Another's Feet," from John 13:14.

On its website, WCCCC stated that being Christians who called to be the "salt of the world, we…have the responsibility to preserve the goodness in the world."

The workshops will deal with various topics such as the "tough questions on the Christian faith" and the meaning of "fasting and prayer," to "practicing forgiveness" and "personal witness and evangelism."

The main speakers for this year are Rev. Jeff Louie and Dr. Milton Wan. Rev. Louie is senior pastor at the Sunset Chinese Baptist Church in San Francisco. He is currently working on a book called Who's Afraid of the Spirit. Dr. Milton Wan has several Ph.D. degrees from theological seminaries around the world; he's published numerous books and teaching tapes.

The conference will also be led into worship by jnX (joyful noise X-press, a non-denominational, cross-cultural non-profit ministry based in the United States that serves churches around the world through worship training, worship concerts, and music related services.

WCCCC asks people to "spend some quiet time with God to pray for our hearts before coming to the conference," as well as praying for "the conference…the speakers, Bible study leaders, small group leaders and…conferees."

Since 1969, the West Coast Chinese Christian Conference (WCCCC), an evangelical fellowship of Chinese Christians, has trained thousands of Christians, ranging from students to young adults.