WCCCC Plans for Winter Conference

West Coast Chinese Christian Conference (WCCCC) will gather at Mount Hermon Conference Center on December 26-29.

West Coast Chinese Christian Conference (WCCCC) will gather at Mount Hermon Conference Center on December 26-29, with a planning committee that has been preparing since January.

This year, the planning committee, led by Alex Chow, will plan the contents of the program as an executive committee takes over and implements the decisions.

For the past 36 years, the WCCCC Winter Conference has brought over a thousand Christian students and adults in Christian areas such as Spiritual Growth to Theology, while touching upon contemporary issues.

The scheduled speaker in the morning will be Rev. Jeff Louie, Senior Pastor at the Sunset Chinese Baptist Church and an adjunct professor at the Western Seminary extension in Los Gatos.

And in the evening, Dr. Milton Wan, a graduate from Chinese University of Hong Kong and the China Theological Seminary, who has many Christian and teaching tapes in publication.

The conference workshops will include: spiritual growth, contemporary issues, evangelism and edification, and theology and apologetics.

In the meantime, many conferees are praying for this year’s gathering by focusing on wisdom, strength, time management, and God’s hand over the design process, in addition to making all the deadlines.

Recently, a WCCCC summer conference was held in Irvine California with the theme, "Building Healthy Relationships between Brothers and Sisters in Fellowship," bringing in about 50 brothers and sisters.

The theme carries on to the winter conference in December which will emphasize on John 13:14,

Now that I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also should do as I have done for you (NIV).

With the theme, "Wash One Another's Feet," the conferees are praying that the leaders will serve in unity, humility, and humble hearts.