This week is the Week for Christian Unity in Hong Kong. The theme of the event is taken from the Gospel of John - “My Peace I give to you”.
With a view in raising the awareness of Hong Kong churches to the ecumenical issue, the Hong Kong Christian Council introduces the Pulpit Exchange Program. On 18 Jan, the Unity Sunday, ministers from different denominations are encouraged to communicate with other denominations to share messages. It hopes the activities can serve as a good testimony to Hong Kong people, promoting harmony between the bodies of Christ.
Before the Unity Sunday, the Hong Kong Christian Council has joined the Hong Kong Catholic Church and the Orthodox Metropolitanate of Hong Kong to declare a Joint Statement:
“My peace I give to you” (St John 14: 27)
Since observance of the week began, nearly a century ago, there has been marked progress in striving toward reconciliation.
In Hong Kong, churches have begun collaborative prayers, scripture lessons and charity efforts. Together the churches ponder about the big issues of faith and work for the peace and unity of the greater civil family.