Westminster Theological Seminary is holding “The Westminster Assembly 2004” in celebration of the Seminary’s 75th anniversary from October 21-22. Sponsored by Westminster’s Craig Center for the Study of the Westminster Standards, which was established in 2002 to promote historical, systematic, biblical, and practical reflection upon the tradition of Reformed theology for which the Seminary stands, the conference will have its focus on addressing the doctrinal standards for which the Seminary stands.
Featured speakers include; Richard Muller, professor at Calvin Theological Seminary and Rowland Ward, parish minister in Melbourne, Australia. The two renown speakers are recognized for reshaping the way in which Reformed theology in the era of the Westminster Assembly is understood with their work on seventeenth-biblical exegesis. At the conference, they are expected to give three lectures on the exegetical work of the Westminster divines.
Online registration is available. Registration is only $25 per person, and free to current and prospective Westminster students.