The ninth Republican debate will feature smaller field of candidates. Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Ben Carson will square on Saturday, Feb. 13 in Greenville, South Carolina. Now, here's the latest information about how to watch CBS GOP debate on TV and Online Streaming.
This is the first GOP debate since the New Hampshire primaries where Trump finished first and Kasich surprisingly got the second place. However, contenders Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie dropped out in the presidential race because of their poor performance in the primary.
Here's everything you need to know about CBS-sponsored Republican debate:
Location: Peace Center in Greenville, South Carolina
Start Time: 9 p.m. ET
TV: CBS News
Live Stream: CBS News Live
Political experts said the New Hampshire primary usually accelerates the elimination of the candidates, transforming large fields into to two- or three-person races. In the case Republican Party, the primary helped some GOP presidential hopefuls to increase their chances for the nomination.
After Donald Trump finished second in the Iowa caucuses, he is now the likeliest person to win the Republican nomination, according to New Yorker. The real estate tycoon has unlimited funds, and he has solid supporters to lead in national polls. Moreover, it is highly likely he will stay in the race for the long haul.
It is also interesting to see the performance of previously lagging candidate John Kasich. The Ohio governor finished second---behind Trump-- in the New Hampshire primary. He also got key endorsement from Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone, Salon reported. Kasich will surely use this momentum to establish himself as legitimate contender for the nomination.
The New Hampshire results brought good news and bad news for Jeb Bush. Kasich beat him in the primary, but Bush still managed to place higher above Rubio, whom he repeatedly attacked in TV ads.
For Ted Cruz, he emerged victorious in Iowa and ranked third in the New Hampshire. He is also underappreciated and under-rewarded in the media for his excellent performance so far. Experts believe that he can attract majority of evangelicals and very conservative Republicans in South Carolina .
The next GOP debate will be moderated by Face the Nation anchor John Dickerson with Major Garrett, chief White House correspondent for CBS News. Also, Kimberley Strassel of the Wall Street Journal will present questions to candidates.
Republicans will face off three more times after this week, while Democrats have four more debates based on their schedule.