Woman’s Missionary Union Changes Magazine Name to “Missions Leader” After 34 Years

PHOENIX – After 34 years the Woman’s Missionary Union decided to change the name of their quarterly publication from “Dimension Magazine” to “Missions Leader. The executive board announced the change during the WMU annual meeting in Pheonix, June 15-16.

"Although the direction and philosophy will remain the same, the name Missions Leader will connect stronger with our readers and target audience," said M. Steve Heartsill, editor of Dimension magazine.

WMU’s churchwide team and associational missions leadership team began evaluating printed materials by the group to improve resource and information distribution for missions leaders in churches and associations.

"The changes we are making to Dimension magazine are the result of intensive research, including surveys of state WMU staff, WMU executive board members, WMU advisory groups, Dimension writers, and directors of missions," said Dick Bodenhamer, WMU marketing strategist. "Our ultimate purpose is to work collectively with all missions leaders in churches and associations to encourage greater missions involvement among God's people."

While “Missions Leader” will be directed towards the same audience as “Dimension,” the format of ML will offer more practical, hands-on missions ideas, suggestions and quick tips.

The name change will not go into effect until September 2004. According to Heartstill, the delay in the name change until September 2004 will allow for a "seamless transition" and allow for further research and study.

In addition to Missions Leader magazine, WMU publishes “Missions Mosaic” for all female church members who wants to be more involved in the missions field. The magazine features highlights on missionaries and their work and offers monthly devotionals, mission project ideas and Bible studies.

Joanne Parker, editor of Missions Mosaic, said it is for "every woman in the church, not only members of a missions organization."