#WomenBetrayed Rallies Held Across U.S. as 3rd Shock Video Shows Technician Revealing Profit Behind Planned Parenthood's Body Part Trade

U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn speaks at a #WomenBetrayed rally on July 28, 2015. Facebook/ Marsha Blackburn

Thousands of pro-life Americans across the country are participating in "Women Betrayed" rallies against Planned Parenthood as the Center for Medical Progress releases a third video exposing the pro-abortion group's participation in the illegal trafficking of fetal body parts for profit.

Breitbart reports that national pro-life group Students for Life of America (SFLA) and its partner organization Pro-Life Future, recently launched the #WomenBetrayed initiative to urge citizens across the nation to rally to demand their states investigate, prosecute and defund Planned Parenthood.

According to a press release found on the group's website, SFLA chose the title of the initiative, #WomenBetrayed, because "Planned Parenthood has betrayed the very patients - women and their children - who they claim to care about and have compassion for."

"Women are supposed to help and support other women - not use them for profit and sell the body parts of their prenatal children," said Kristan Hawkins, SFLA president. "Planned Parenthood gets a half a billion a year in taxpayer dollars. We are calling on every state and federal government to cut off those funds immediately and investigate Planned Parenthood for possible wrongdoing."

Over 60 cities across the United States are confirmed as holding rallies, which will feature speakers including Ben Carson, Sens. Rand Paul and James Lankford, Reps. Marsha Blackburn, Andy Harris, Tim Huelskamp and Chris Smith will be on the speaker's podium - along with Marilyn Musgrave, Susan B. Anthony List; Penny Nance, Concerned Women for America; Jeanneane Maxon, Americans United for Life; and Arina Grossu, Family Research Council.

The rallies are meant to draw attention to Planned Parenthood's newly uncovered, illegal practices revealed in three videos released by the Center for Medical Progress.

In the first video released by the Center for Medical Progress earlier in July, Planned Parenthood senior medical director Dr. Deborah Nucatola discussed how she "crushes" certain parts of the baby in order to get desired organs intact to be available for sale to biomedical companies.

A second video, released a week later, exposes another Planned Parenthood senior medical adviser negotiating the price of selling baby body parts to undercover CMP activists posing as biomedical entrepreneurs.

A third video, released earlier this week, shows a licensed phlebotomist describing her duties that included harvesting and processing the remains of aborted babies at Planned Parenthood and describing how the leading abortion company profited from the practice.

The SFLA argues that the content of these videos is "only the latest infraction in a long list of horrific behaviors, including the covering up of statutory rape, the overbilling taxpayers, the aiding and abetting sex traffickers, scheduling sex-selective abortions and accepting money to abort African American children."

"It's time to stop the more than $500 million taxpayer dollars that flow to the abortion Goliath every year," Hawkins said. "It's the time for us to reach their would-be clients first to tell them the truth about Planned Parenthood's motives. It's time to topple the first domino in our mission to end abortion in America."

Adds Brendan O'Morchoe, Director of Pro-Life Future, "The outrage against taxpayer dollars funding Planned Parenthood is palpable. This is the time to defund them and Americans are going to make their voices heard on July 28."