World Help to Raise 1 Million Bibles for China

China -- World Help Ministries began fundraising to provide one million much needed bibles for the underground church in China.

"Every year, legally, one to two million Bibles are printed in China. And, millions more are sent in. All of this is a drop in the bucket if you consider the fact that there are only 20 to 30 million Bibles at the most in the entire country,” said World Help’s Eric Vess.

According to Vess, the persecution and oppression in China are stronger than ever; underground church believers say they’d rather take chances underground rather than be restricted and registered.

"You can have provinces where Christians operate openly with the knowledge of the Government, they simply ignore them. You have other places in China where Christians are being arrested, beaten and even killed and buildings are being burned down by authorities. This is all happening all at the same time,” said Vess.

There are an estimated 60-100 million members of the Underground Church in China.