She's 117 years old, and she never gets tired of serving God.
Violet-Mosse Brown from Duanvale, Trelawny in Jamaica was born on March 10, 1900. She officially became the world's oldest person when Italian woman Emma Morana, who was born in 1899, passed away, according to Jamaica Observer.
The supercentenarian was born 67 years before Jamaica was founded, which means the country was still part of the British West Indies at the time. This also makes her the oldest living Victorian.
She is apparently not fond of eating pork or chicken, but loves to eat potatoes and fruits.
"She likes fish and mutton and sometimes she will have cow foot, but she does not eat pork or chicken," a caretaker revealed, the Jamaica Observer said.
However, her diet is not the secret to her longevity.
Brown credits her long life to her "faith in serving God, and believing strongly in the teaching of the Bible."
"Thank God for what he has given to me. This what God has given me, so I have to take it, long life," Brown said, according to CBN News. "I've done nearly everything at the church. I spent all my time in the church."
One of her favorite verses in the Bible is the fifth commandment in Exodus 20, which tells the people to honor their parents so they may live long in the land—the first commandment with a promise.
Brown was baptized into Christ when she was 13 years old and was brought up in the Christian faith in the same home where she now lives.
She and her husband used to work as cane farmers until her husband worked as a caretaker for a neighboring cemetery. Since then, she had helped him in record keeping.
She also served as a music teacher and a church organist for more than 80 years until her husband died in 1997, after which she took over his responsibilities as the cemetery's record keeper, according to CNN.
When she was 116 years old, she was honored by the Waldensia-Trittonville Circuit of Baptist Churches as an "extra-precious super-centenarian" who is a "faithful, industrious church member," a January 2017 article from the Jamaica Baptist Reporter said, according to Baptist Press.
"[T]he guest of honor was lauded and cited as a person of exemplary character and an ardent, dedicated and faithful servant of God, who served her church for more than 80 years in varying capacities," the article said.
"She was also hailed as a mentor, historian, disciplinarian, business woman, outstanding church and community leader," the article said.
Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness congratulated Brown for becoming the world's oldest person.
"The world's oldest woman is Jamaican Violet Brown, who was born on March 10, 1900. Congrats Violet," Holness said on Twitter.