World's Largest Leadership Conference Commenced Today

With over 53,000 people registered, the Leadership Summit 2005 is now being broadcasted from Willow Creek.

Christian leaders around the world are now gathered at the auditorium of Willow Creek campus for the renown Leadership Summit conference 2005. More than 53,000 leaders have registered and the only seats left are those via the satellite. It is now being broadcasted to 110 churches, seminaries, universities and ministries across North America.

Marking its 10th year anniversary, Summit had its humble beginnings of just 2,000 leaders who were passionate for leadership. But since, they have grown to become a powerful tool for Christian leaders around the world. Pastor John Westfall who has been hosting the event for the past seven years testified that Summit is the best leadership conference that he has been participating in.

"The Leadership Summit as we convene this August to help Christ-following leaders like you recalibrate, recommit, and renew your passion to lead with all diligence." Jim Mellado, Willow Creek Association President also expressed that Bill Hybels is likely to speak about something important and unheard of; it will be true to all Christian leaders and spark visions within their hearts to move others.

Other speakers include famous Christian writer and pastor, Rick Warren, author of the best-selling book Purpose Driven Life, will be discussing the entrepreneurial side of leadership. A total of eleven speakers will speak on topics such as cross-cultural challenges, physical dangers, and sacrificing for the people.