Xbox One Update: Release Date And Backwards Compatibility

Xbox One
More games can now be played on the Xbox One. Marco Verch/ Wikipedia

Users of the Xbox One got the option to play backwards compatible games. But fans of the console are now wondering if they can get even more.

When the Xbox One Backwards Compatibility was released on Xbox Experience, players could play their Xbox 360 games on their Xbox One. Understandably, it is a popular update on the game console. It's bound to become even more popular with the arrival of more titles that would be added to Xbox One Backwards Compatibility, like Mass Effect 2 and 3.

Major Changes

Some fans are on the lookout right now because Xbox has been dropping some hints lately that there could be some major changes coming to XBox One Backwards Compatibility. The most anticipated changes would be the new titles that are going to become available.

There are seven new titles that have been added to the list for XBox One Backwards Compatibility. Including the two titles already mentioned, new ones also include MBO, Blue Dragon, RAGE, Killer Is Dead, and Shred Nebula to the console. Titles that have been confirmed but have yet to launch include Skate 3 and the Bioshock trilogy.  Those are the games that have been added to the ever-increasing list of games that can be played on the console.

It seems that the changes to the XBox One Backwards Compatibility would not be limited to the titles that have been mentioned. Xbox is also giving out some hints that they would be celebrating the brand's anniversary with other updates on the Xbox One. There is no official word yet as to what those updates would be, but there are rumors that games like Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim would be included.

The updates are expected to come out before the end of November which is the month that the Xbox One Backwards Compatibility program was launched and they are expected to celebrate it with the major releases.

Counter Moves

The numerous backwards compatible games that are being launched for XBox One is a way to counter the upcoming PS Pro launch by Sony. Tech experts are seeing a building rivalry between XBox One and PS Pro.

The features of the two consoles are going to be compared once both are out in the market. Even now, there are already some comparisons being made with features like media and the VR advantage of PS Pro.