Youth Chorale will Perform at Intergenerational Worship 2005: "Together We Serve."

The Intergenerational Worship 2005: "Together We Serve" will gather Chinese Christians from all generations and will give an opportunity for the BAYC to perform alongside the CCCMIW choir in these u

With the theme, "Together We Serve," the Chinese Christian Church Music Institute for Worship (CCCMIW) will hold three worship services on Oct 2, Nov 6, and Dec 4 in hopes of bringing in new talent to the Bay Area Youth Chorale (BAYC) and allowing a time for all generations of Chinese Christians to worship God.

The Youth Chorale is the first Chinese Christian Youth Choral Group in the Bay Area with the purpose of learning how to witness for Christ through "the beauty and dynamics of music."

Supported by CCCMIW, BAYC hopes to gather young people, ages 12 to college and above, who have a genuine desire to seek God through a musical ministry that asks for two-hours of rehearsal each week and participation in worship programs conducted by the Chorale.

Amy Kong, coordinator for this year's Intergenerational conference said that the BAYC hopes to bring out the musical gifts that God has given to the young people of this generation by promoting the BAYC.

She said, "the young people of this generation have many talents, but they don't know their musical abilities" so when they join the Youth Chorale, they are taught how to sing and most importantly how to worship God.

BAYC will perform this year at the Intergenerational Worship alongside the CCCMIW choir.

For more information on the Youth Chorale or the Intergenerational Worship 2005 visit