Reporter : Ravi Zacharias,
  • Lamb

    Ravi Zacharias: Examining Religions and the Reason for Civil Discourse

    It was years ago when I was speaking at an openly and avowedly atheistic institution that I was fascinated by a questioner who asked what on earth I meant by the term God. The city was Moscow; the setting was the Lenin Military Academy. The atmosphere was tense. Never had I been asked before to define the term in a public gathering. And because I was in a country so historically entrenched in atheism, I suspected the question was both hostile and intentional.
  • Thinking

    Think Again: The Dying Art of Thinking

    The seventeenth-century French philosopher Rene Descartes is best known for his dictum "I think, therefore, I am." A cynic may well quip that Descartes actually put des cart before des horse, because all he could have legitimately deduced was, "I think, therefore, thinking exists." I do not intend to defend or counter Cartesian philosophy; I only wish to underscore that thinking has much to do with life and certainty.
  • Cliff Barrows

    The Story and the Song: A Tribute to Cliff Barrows by Dr. Ravi Zacharias

    The man who got the world to sing, "This is my story, this is my song," is now face to face with the One whose story he sang around the world. Cliff Barrows, Billy Graham's song leader, died at the age of 93, having lived a life of preaching and music, the likes of which very few have lived.