Article By By Chuck Colson
  • The Problem With Genderless Parenting

    You may have heard the public outcry over the parents in Toronto who have decided to keep their baby’s gender a secret.

    The Problem With Genderless Parenting
  • Pro-Child, Pro-School

    A few weeks ago, I spoke about the desperate need for school reform and how public schools are failing those kids most in need of a good education: poor children. I also pointed out that greatest impediment to reform are teachers’ unions, whose primary concern is the welfare of the adults who benefit from the status quo. I’m not alone in this assessment: Arguably the most important proponent of education reform has become none other than Bill Gates.

    Pro-Child, Pro-School
  • Why Multiculturalism Can't Work

    British Prime Minister David Cameron horrified European elites when he recently proclaimed that multiculturalism has failed. The idea that all cultures are equal and that they can live happily side by side in one country is false. It just doesn’t work.

    Why Multiculturalism Can't Work
  • Celebrating Dr. King

    It was with these very words, in his memorable Letter from the Birmingham Jail, that Martin Luther King, Jr., threw down the gauntlet in his great Civil Rights crusade. King refused to obey what he regarded as an immoral law that did not square with the law of God.

    Celebrating Dr. King
  • Good for Business

    The man who owns the industrial valve company makes no secret of his religious faith: He’s a committed Christian. Once a week, he gathers together his senior staffers for prayer. Employees are invited to attend Bible studies on the premises and pray for one another’s needs.

    Good for Business