Section : Events

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    10,000 Christians in Hong Kong Pray for Youth Drug Problems

    The 14th annual million hour prayer movement “Do This Prayer” was held last month at the Hong Kong football stadium, which drew over 10,000 believers from throughout Hong Kong. With the theme “Stop, Think – Prayer, Life, Positive Energy”, the organizing committee - Hong Kong Jireh Foundation and Hong Kong Campus Crusade for Christ – has placed this year's focus on youth’s saying no to drugs. The speakers for this year’s venue were Rev. Ping-Kwong Li, chairman of the Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor, and Dr. Philemon Choi, honorary director of Breakthrough Ministries.
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    Franklin Graham: The Gospel Advances by Force

    VANCOUVER, Canada -- As part of the Franklin Graham Festival’s initiatives, Rock the River Tour will be held in three major cities throughout Canada to reach the unchurched youths this summer.
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    Canadian Bible Society Sponsored 2009 GMA Scripture Song Winner

    Toronto, ON – November 2, 2009 – The Canadian Bible Society (CBS) partnered with the Gospel Music Association Canada, to sponsor the new GMA category for the 2009 Scripture Song. The competition, held last week in Calgary, was once again a drawing out of some amazing Christian talent.
  • Evangelicals Urged to Heed Calvin's Voice

    Hundreds of Reformed believers passionate about preaching the Scriptures and making Christ known have convened in Minneapolis for three days of talks centered on the life and teachings of 16th century reformer John Calvin.
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    The CRY Vancouver: 2,000 Youths Fasted and Prayed for Canada

    With great passion and earnestness, over 2,000 people prayed together for the nation of Canada for it to turn away from its sinful ways, repent, and to experience a spiritual revival at The CRY, a large prayer and fasting movement, held in Vancouver’s Stanley Park.
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    Bike for Bibles Rides in Seven Canadian Provinces

    Toronto – July 3, 2009 – The Canadian Bible Society’s (CBS) Bike for Bibles rides are taking place in the provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, North Alberta, South Alberta, PEI and Ontario this summer. All across the country, cyclists are receiving colourful Bike for Bibles jerseys and they are busy finalizing their sponsorships for this exciting fundraising event.
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    Eric Suen, Zhang Jin, and Tats Lau Shared Testimony at Evangelism Conference

    According to The Media Evangelism Association report, the “We Will Rock You” Music Evangelism Conference, hosted by Media Evangelism, was held at the Hong Kong Exhibition Center on April 10, where numerous starring celebrities participated. Several starring celebrities, including Eric Suen, Zhang Jin, and Tats Lau, shared their testimonies.
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    HK Music Concert Commemorate and Gives Hope to Sichuan Earthquake Victims

    Hong Kong, China - Under the solemn overtone of the music being performed, the overhead display revealed scenes after scenes of disturbing images: collapsed houses that were unrecognizable, messages left for the deceased, red incense altars placed in front of the collapsed schools, flowers given to commemorate the Sichuan Beichuan Middle School students, sobbing relatives of the deceased……no one can forget these images after seeing them. Then the music suddenly changed to a loud overtone, reminding everyone to not forget this painful event in the history of mankind.
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