Popular Christian artist Natalie Grant walked out of the Grammys early after witnessing a series of performances that are conflicted with her faith.
Grant, who was nominated for two Grammys this year, tweeted "We left the Grammy's early. I've many thoughts, most of which are probably better left inside my head. But I'll say this: I've never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I've never been more sure of the path I've chosen."
Although she didn't specifically tell the exact circumstances, the media reports that she was probably referring to Katy Perry, who was surrounded by demons as she danced around an upside down broomstick before being encircled by fire during a performance of her song "Dark Horse".
Katy Perry, who used to be a Christian, wearing an illuminated Knights Templar cross on her chest. Her performance was described as a Satanic Ritual, or witchcraft even by the secular media.
After social media caught fire over Grant's decision to walk out of the show earlier, with many homosexuals accusing her, Grant responded via her Facebook page:
"I NEVER said I left during any particular performance. I only said I left early.
I never pointed out any one particular performance, I only said I had many thoughts about the entire show, which were best left inside my head and that is where they will stay. So those who say I condemned one performance but then condoned others clearly did not read the post.
What I DID say is this: I am honored to be a part of the Christian music community. I've had many people throughout my career ask why I never tried to go in to mainstream music and last night was a beautiful reminder that I love singing about Jesus and FOR Jesus.
I've judged no one. I hate no one. And I believe that every person has been created in the image of God. I will never stand on a street corner and wave a sign, I won't use my platform to engage in political arguments that will only divide and not unite. I will continue to pray that my life will be my message. I do have my own personal convictions that I live by, and I will continue to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord. (Philippians 2:12)
I was honored to be nominated for 2 Grammy awards last night. I'm so grateful that NARAS and The Grammys continue to recognize the contribution that gospel and Christian music make to the world. And I'm so thrilled for those who won in my categories. And I can say that with all sincerity.
My last thought:
"I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus for it is the power of God who brings salvation to ALL who believe."
Romans 1:16"
Natalie Grant is not the only Christian gospel singer who are disappointed about the show. Mandisa, who won "Best Christian Contemporary Music Album" and "Best Contemporary Christian Music Song", indeed did not attend Sunday night.
"Both times I have gone to the Grammys I have witnessed performances I wish I could erase from my memory, and yes, I fast forwarded through several performances this year," Mandisa explained in a Facebook post. "I knew that submerging myself into an environment that celebrates those things was risky for me at this time."
The 56th annual Grammy Awards also hosted a mass wedding on Sunday night which led to some controversy. As Macklemore & Ryan Lewis performed their pro-gay marriage song "Same Love," Queen Latifah officiated the group ceremony. It has been critcized as a political stunt by Grammy Awards organizers, although they have denied any political motivations in the wedding segment.
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